#6 things I wish I knew before 2020.

Photo picked from unsplash.com I pray that before the 7th of April 2020, the world will be back to normal and that this Corona virus will be on its way into the past. Notwithstanding, it is such a pity that some families might not really be able to go back to normal after all this, due to the saddening loss of their loved ones. May the Lord surely strength such, and heal the wounds and the hurt, which only He can do. Since I'm going to be turning another year older on the Tuesday of 7th April 2020, and no doubt becoming a "more serious adult", I'd love to share six things that I wish I had learnt earlier. 1. Life doesn't happen, you make it happen. Most times I used to respond to circumstances, I would plan depending on what I think might happen. If it didn't happen, then I'd simply give up; or if something else interrupted the plan, then I'd run after the new thing. Right now i realize that it is always better to act than ...