The most Romantic Words Ever

Photo by imdb on Pinterest In the beginning, God put Adam into a deep sleep, removed his rib and made Eve, remember? Then God brought her to Adam, and Adam exclaimed: "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." - Genesis 2:21 - 23 Maybe these are not the most romantic words you have ever read, but please stick with me. Adam says to Eve the most confirming, the most secure words ever, he almost breaks out into song, to me those words sound like: "Woow wow wow This is now, Bone of my bone, We are made for each other We compliment each other She shall be called my wife For she was made for me!" Adam is not afraid that he might be wrong, he is not afraid that she might give him the forbidden fruit later, he is so confident in what he is feeling, seeing, knowing, and appreciating that he is able to speak out what he couldn't have possibly known: Eve being made from his bone. These are so...