
Showing posts from October, 2020

The most Romantic Words Ever

Photo by imdb on Pinterest In the beginning, God put Adam into a deep sleep, removed his rib and made Eve, remember? Then God brought her to Adam, and Adam exclaimed: "This is now bone of my bones  and flesh of my flesh;  she shall be called 'woman,'  for she was taken out of man." - Genesis 2:21 - 23  Maybe these are not the most romantic words you have ever read, but please stick with me. Adam says to Eve the most confirming, the most secure words ever, he almost breaks out into song, to me those words sound like: "Woow wow wow This is now, Bone of my bone, We are made for each other We compliment each other She shall be called my wife For she was made for me!" Adam is not afraid that he might be wrong, he is not afraid that she might give him the forbidden fruit later, he is so confident in what he is feeling, seeing, knowing, and appreciating that he is able to speak out what he couldn't have possibly known: Eve being made from his bone. These are so...

Delayed gratification | Rich-people habits

Featured on Delay of gratification:  the act of resisting an impulse to take an immediately available reward in the hope of obtaining a more-valued reward in the future (According to  Britannica ) Do you remember that person you loved so much that you thought you couldn't do without them, but right now you haven't heard from them in years and you are still alive and thriving? Or that particular phone you really wanted, and after you got it, you didn't feel as good as you thought you would? Talk about that place that you once dreamt of visiting, and when you got the chance to visit it, you never felt as extra-ordinary as you thought it'd make you, you still feel pretty much the same. Our feelings and wants change almost every day, or even every couple of hours, which makes delayed gratification very important. When you make a decision in times when you are happy, excited, joyful or just idle, how sure are you that you will want to commit to the same decision...

Stop throwing away your money | Unhealthy Generosity

Image from   Being generous means being willing to give money, kindness, etc, especially more than is usually expected (Cambridge dictionary) The difference between healthy and unhealthy generosity is the reason WHY we are being generous, or the reason why we give. "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:3-4 Jesus encourages us to give in secret so that God can reward us, because when we do our acts of kindness for any other reason, we have already gotten that reward, so God can't add us another heavenly reward. For example, we might be giving: to be applauded, to get a better view of oneself, to appear wealthy, to appear better than others or to be seen, whatever the reason is; we don't get a reward from God because we have already gotten that reward of being seen or ...

The weakness you didn't know you have!

Image from I remember my friend crying to me some time back when things had gone sour in a certain area of her life, and I remember thinking to myself, "I thought that's what you wanted to happen, because with every decision you were making, it was so clear to me that you were trying to get the exact results that you have right now." Not until I realized that sometimes when you're in a pit, in most cases, it's only you who can't see it. Yes, your friend is in a pit and you know it, but you wonder why they can't see that it's a pit. Guess what: You're in a pit and your friends can see it.  We often can't see the pit we are standing in because we judge our actions depending on  why  we acted that way, and judge everyone else by their actions only. Jesus put it this way: "And why do you take note of the grain of dust in your brother's eye, but take no note of the bit of wood which is in your eye?" Matthew 7:3  We sur...