The most Romantic Words Ever

Photo by imdb on Pinterest
In the beginning, God put Adam into a deep sleep, removed his rib and made Eve, remember? Then God brought her to Adam, and Adam exclaimed:

"This is now bone of my bones 
and flesh of my flesh; 
she shall be called 'woman,' 
for she was taken out of man."
- Genesis 2:21 - 23 

Maybe these are not the most romantic words you have ever read, but please stick with me.
Adam says to Eve the most confirming, the most secure words ever, he almost breaks out into song, to me those words sound like:

"Woow wow wow
This is now,
Bone of my bone,
We are made for each other
We compliment each other
She shall be called my wife
For she was made for me!"

Adam is not afraid that he might be wrong, he is not afraid that she might give him the forbidden fruit later, he is so confident in what he is feeling, seeing, knowing, and appreciating that he is able to speak out what he couldn't have possibly known: Eve being made from his bone.

These are some of the most romantic words ever (according to me), because in them, Adam is saying, "You are chosen, you are loved, you are wonderful, I am very happy to do life in this garden together with you, you are mine, created for me, given to me by a loving heavenly Father!"

I like the starting words that the NIV Bible uses: "This is now ...", Which sounds more like, "Forget everything else, this is now the really deal." Or maybe more like, "I have seen wonderful things in this garden but nothing like this [woman] so far!"

How was Adam able to come to such a confident poetic conclusion?
This might not be the only reason  Adam was able to identify that Eve was indeed made from his bone, yet I believe, it is one of the major reasons; he had finished his God-ordained task and done it well. He had just finished naming ALL the animals. Mind you, not just 100 animals, but maybe tens of thousands or even many more!

During the animal-naming process, whichever creature Adam looked at and thought of what the best name for it could be, that became its name from that day forward. For example, if  he looked at some feathery creature and thought the best name for it would be "bird", he said it out loud and from that day until now, anything with feathers is called a bird; if for some reason he felt like "hippopotamus" was the best name for another huge, four-legged water-dwelling creature, then hippopotamus it is. until today.

His God-ordained task taught him how to look, analyse and understand things even without knowing their creation background. He was able to give them suitable names. I really don't know how he did it for over tens of thousands of animals, but I know that very experience and expertise helped him identify his bone and his flesh when it was presented to him human, curvy and beautiful.

Why is this important anyway?
Because we need to remember the following facts:

Before we are preoccupied with finding the ideal partner, let us be preoccupied with working our God-ordained task perfectly well, because whatever it builds in us will surely help us in knowing who the ideal partner is.

It is easier to know a partner who can hold the calling God has for your life if you have an idea what that calling is. If your calling involves hosting very many people, then you know your family will need to be okay hosting very many people. Your calling might be to raise grounded mighty sons and daughters, your partner might need to be okay staying at home with the children for longer hours.

To encourage ourselves, to have the confidence and to trust our conviction when we know that someone is the bone of our bone and not give in to the fear of the unknown but take steps in faith.

To remind us that a man, more so a godly man, ought to lead with clarity and commitment. He might not have everything figured out, but he is clear to a degree.

The most romantic words to me are not cheap, body-praising words, they are words that show clarity, direction, respect, and affirmation.

Thank you so much for choosing to be with us every Wednesday. It's amazing that we are growing steadily each Wednesday.
God bless you!


  1. Wow this is good , thanks Diane

  2. This is the kind of perspective young people ought to have concerning issues of finding a partner. Thank you again. 😁

  3. Nice piece. I have got to know the most romantic words for u😊

  4. What stood out for me is that - faithfully executing my God ordained task will build in me what will help me to identify my ideal partner💪💪


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