The weakness you didn't know you have!

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I remember my friend crying to me some time back when things had gone sour in a certain area of her life, and I remember thinking to myself, "I thought that's what you wanted to happen, because with every decision you were making, it was so clear to me that you were trying to get the exact results that you have right now." Not until I realized that sometimes when you're in a pit, in most cases, it's only you who can't see it.

Yes, your friend is in a pit and you know it, but you wonder why they can't see that it's a pit. Guess what: You're in a pit and your friends can see it. 

We often can't see the pit we are standing in because we judge our actions depending on why we acted that way, and judge everyone else by their actions only.

Jesus put it this way:
"And why do you take note of the grain of dust in your brother's eye, but take no note of the bit of wood which is in your eye?"
Matthew 7:3 

We surely have a habit of easily noticing other people's faults without ever easily noticing our own. This ability can be very helpful to us if our trusted fellows could help point out those bits of wood that we are unable to see in our own eyes.

We need to know our own weaknesses. Because knowing other people's weaknesses can't help me much, but knowing my own weaknesses helps me to know what areas of my life I need to get better at.

A good example can be of a lady or gentleman who just fell deeply in love, and we can all see beyond a doubt that his/her new partner is bad news, but for some reason, he/she cannot see it.

Today I intend to drive this point home, that we are all bound to make stupid decisions, the effect of which we can reduce by walking in communion with others.

We need to cultivate healthy relationships with two, three or more people who will risk our friendship with them just to tell us when they think we are standing in a pit.

This does not mean having a hundred friends but when can't reach out to any of them in times of deep hurt; it means getting a few who can meddle into your personal life and keep you accountable to your goals and aspirations.

Many of us have cultivated a habit of false independence, wherein we build walls around us (I'm guilty of this myself!).

 Remember, as you build walls around yourself to protect yourself, you lock yourself inside.
Christine Caine 

What I am saying here is, how about we lock ourselves in with a couple of trusted friends?

The Bible says there is no temptation that has come to you, except that which is common to man (1 Corinthians 10:13). Which means that we can as well reach out to some of those that might have gone through the same.

I've heard a lot of great readers say, "You can't live a life long enough to make your own mistakes, read about other people's mistakes and learn from them."

For the weakness you didn't know you have, guess what, it's most likely that your friends know it, your workmates know it, your children know it. The question is, do you want to know it?

Knowing it will make you a better person than you were a week before.

Let us get plugged into a community, a church small group, a church cell; let us get accountability partners, counselors, read books, listen to others and learn, especially from those who have gone ahead of us.

We just can't leave alone. Plan to get in a community (if you have none yet) before our next blog, that is, before next Wednesday.

May God bless you.
I love you.


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