Stop doing this, it's not your business anyway!

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Is it your business, anyway? | Callings.

I listen to a good number of men and women of God and I get to see a wide range of ministries, from amazing ones to those that seem too much, the weird ones to those that just seem completely wrong to me.

However, God has taught me that I don't have the right to judge another man's servant/service.

"Who are you to judge someone else's servant? ... "
Romans 14:4 

Yes, these women and men of God are called for us, but that doesn't put us in the position of a judge over them. Only the giver of the assignment does have the right to judge them.
We are not present during any man's call to service, so we can't know the total job description of their assignment. Oftentimes, we sit in groups and pass judgment upon men of God about certain things that rightfully seem wrong in our eyes without understanding that we are not the caller of men.

When someone asks us about what we think about a certain minister, I wonder if we ever consider that, "I don't think anything" is also a good answer.

"Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm."
Psalms 105:15 

Even after King Saul tried to kill King David a number of times, King David refused to kill Saul even when he had an opportunity because he said he couldn't kill God's anointed one.
Now King Saul had stop behaving like an anointed man years back but David respected his anointing anyway. Actually King Saul begged a man to kill him after he lost a battle, the man killed him and went to report to King David and this is what King David responded.

David asked him, "Why weren't you afraid to lift your hand to destroy the LORD's anointed?"
2 Samuel 1:14

In this generation we are so used to slaying everyone and anyone; maybe the lack of fear to slander fellowmen (who might even be men of God) is a lack of fear for God himself.
Maybe it's easy for us to slay one another simply because we are not sure of our callings, so our insecurities feel justified when we slander other people.

Of course, I am not saying that there are no wolves in sheep's skins, these are unarguably there among us, but Christ tells us that we shall know them by their fruits (Mathew 7:15), and he doesn't tell us to judge them after. Maybe he meant that we flee from them.

Putting ourselves in a place that doesn't judge men of God doesn't mean they're innocent, it simply means that it's not our position to judge them and that we respect the one who holds that position.
It is very okay to say, "I have no thoughts about someone." Yes, it is.

Lovely Wednesday blessed people.
Till next Wednesday.
Thank you.


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