Are you sure you know you? | Priorities

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Do you know how cliche it looks when people start a ceremony with "deep" prayer and worship, after which they go ahead to party in a secular manner? Or when you enter a home and you find a big bible at the table, but the people in that home are living like they don't know a single thing about what that bible says? Or when we say a prayer for journey mercies while setting off for a long trip, and there after we start drinking and being immoral along the way? Or when someone wears a big rosary, but behaves like they've never met Christ? Or they have a bumper sticker that says, "Love one another," but they spit hate at every turn they make?

I remember holding these conversations with friends as we went ahead to describe other believers as hypocritical Christians. 

A few weeks ago, the Holy Spirit, with a heavy sadness, reminded me of a phrase from Enid Mercy's Book, Imitators of God

"What you say you prioritize Vs what your actions say you prioritize." 
-Enid Mercy Nakibuuka (insert social media link)

"If you lived with a deaf child, what would he/she say you prioritize?"

He reminded me of a time when we once lived with a deaf teenager at home. She could not hear how I said I loved God so much, how God is the Lord of our home, or anything we said we prioritized, but she saw what we prioritized through our actions.

If you lived with a deaf child, what would he/she say you prioritize? No, they can't hear you, you can't explain how caught-up you get every morning that you don't have time to say your morning prayer, you can't explain how so tight things have been that you haven't paid your tithe for the last four months, neither can you explain how reading the bible is totally hard. What would that deaf child say you prioritize?

As I lay in the darkness of my room at night, with my eyes wide open as if it were midday, the sadness even grew deeper on realizing how  contrary my personal actions are to what I logically think I prioritize. 

The devil keeps us comfortable by letting us think what we think we prioritize is what we actually prioritize.It doesn't matter if you think you are good at Math, yet you don't show that goodness practically in the exams. Because one thinks they are a millionaire doesn't make them a millionaire; it is practically having a million that makes one a millionaire. 

Actually, putting God first in your time, finances, decision-making, reading his word, etc., is part of what makes you a person who prioritizes God.

I sadly remembered all the parties that I often get to be a part of, some of which I'm even the party organizer, where we honor the spirit of alcoholism, gossip and strife, but we think it was too much to honor God with an opening prayer. We may honor our bosses, spouses, children and pastors but not take two minutes to honor God and dedicate our day to him as we ought to our Lord.

Think about your day, just yesterday, what would that deaf teenager note that you prioritized? 
Did she see you pray in the morning, or it was a no-brainer to her that you prioritized your career, work and personal growth or your family or your phone more?

"A prayerful person is struggling with their shortcomings, but a prayerless person is already overcome by their shortcomings."

Please allow me to note that while saying a prayer in the morning and you go ahead to live as you wish is not the best option, it is however better than not praying at all.
That church leader who is deeply lost in sexual immorality might look like a hypocrite, as they tend to spend a lot of time in prayer, after which they go ahead to indulge in sexual immorality; yet I prefer him to a prayerless spiritual leader who is overcome by sexual immorality.

As I judged other Christians for being hypocrites, when I became one, I was so afraid of being a hypocrite that I didn't do anything at all. I would not let people see me praying so that when I fall short they could not judge me, I did not serve in church because I didn't want to be judged in case I fell short. But now I am appreciating the fact that it's better to pray as often as you need to and stand a chance of being called a hypocrite when you fall short, than not praying at all.

A prayerful person is struggling with their shortcomings, but a prayerless person is already overcome by their shortcomings. A person who is prioritizing God is struggling with their shortcomings but not overcome by them.

Yes, what I am saying is that, an unread bible on the table is better than one hidden in a suitcase under the bed; Worshiping before a party is better than doing nothing godly at all; A prayer of protection before a journey is better than none, even when we don't know if we shall act our best during the trip.

We will most certainly fall short of the standard the word "Christian" or "Born Again" holds, yet let us let our actions show that we prioritize God, dedicate to him our tasks, consult him and desire to know his word as much as we can.

Our actual priorities are those spoken by our actions.

its always a pleasure to share with us every Wednesday, and I won't lie: the comments on every article are very encouraging and foster growth.
Thank you very much!

Please follow this link to support 13-year old author Enid Mercy Nakibuuka by purchasing an e-copy of her book,Imitators of God : 
Or this link: for a hard copy

Till next Wednesday.


  1. Thanks for the touching words every Wednesday 🤝🤝

    1. Am delighted to.
      Thank you for the encouragement.

  2. Oooooh, I've now that our Actions are of a great importance to what we say.

    Thank you Diana for this greatful article. God bless you!


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