Gomeza needs your help!

Gomeza is a happy girl but she is often confused.
Her four older siblings can't stop teasing her, they say she is very light-skinned. The confusing part is that Gomeza's classmates often tell her she is very dark-skinned, and they sure do make fun of her dark skin. Please help Gomeza know if she is dark or light-skinned.

Gomeza dislikes vegetables, her mother says that's why she is thin. They say she is the thinnest in the family, with the smallest bed, the smallest shoes, the tiniest clothes, and she’s the one to be carried on the lap while in the family car. Her siblings keep telling her that by her age, they had all already put on some good weight. 

Another confusing part is that Gomeza has five best friends at school and they say she is fat. “Gomeza, you’re the fattest among us, you take up more space on the desk!” they complain. Gomeza gets confused again, “Am I thin or fat, someone please help me know what I am!”

Gomeza is not a TV-fan, she prefers to play with her five friends. She loves to play a whole lot, which makes the teachers complain, “Gomeza is as playful as a puppy.” Yet Mama Gomeza keeps worrying, wondering why her little girl is too quiet. Maybe it is because Gomeza has no age-mates to play with at home. 
One time, Mama Gomeza argued with a teacher who had complained about Gomeza’s playfulness, “I know my little girl.” Mama Gomeza said, “She is very quiet and humble, she won't move an inch if you don't ask her.” 
Gomeza needs help, is she playful or not?

Sometimes Papa Gomeza argues with Mama Gomeza, he suggests they cut off Gomeza's hair, they both think it is some big coiled trouble. But Mama Gomeza doesn't want her little girl to have a bald head. Problem is, most of Gomeza's classmates find her hair cool. Many of them wish they had hair like the one Gomeza has; she can't get her friends to stop touching or playing with it. 
Gomeza needs to know, is her hair really cool and fun, or is it indeed some big coiled trouble?

It is frustrating to be like Gomeza, not knowing what you really are. But guess what is not frustrating or confusing: choosing to be a good person from the inside.
Both Mama Gomeza and the teachers agree that she is a kind child, she loves to help others. Gomeza is a generous girl, she loves to share with others. She respects her elders and she is very hard working at the same time, improving her grades every year and helping Mama Gomeza with the housework so that she doesn't get too tired.

All of us, just like Gomeza, might be the shortest person in a certain crowd of tall people, but the tallest person in another of short people. 
Still, you might appear to be the darkest skinned person among light-skinned people but at the same time the most light-skinned person among dark-skinned people. 
You might not be able to choose one side in every place, but you can choose to be kind, to be helpful, to be respectful in all places. Choose who you want to be on the inside, that will not change no matter where you are or who you are with.


  1. I have found myself feeling like Gomeza,at school i was always a loud mouth n maybe call me alocal school celebrity,hahah but at home I was quiet n lazy. I guess we all hv two sides,the people we interact with decide which side they will see. However like you said Diana there is a constant that even those who don't like you will agree that despite maybe your bad looks ,you have a beautiful heart.

  2. Yes! Being kind and respectful will always bring inner peace. And it’s a choice to make

  3. So interesting and inspiring.
    Have learnt that our however much some people cristise you about your in perfection, before others it's opposite. Therfore,as Humans being we should learn how to appreciate diversity.

  4. That's interesting , knowing who you are.

  5. Gomeza is really finding it hard but I think her decisions are the best. Cox me when I was still up to now I was the smallest in the crowd but I find it simple to live the fat people just because I chose to be helpful, kind and understanding to everyone around me. So interesting story.


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