Christian and looking HOT?

In the photo: Zabuli
Physically looking good? Why is this even a topic worth talking about?
Well, I have some answers here but before we can jump in, let us begin by referring "physically looking good" to "being presentable or appealing":

1. To encourage Christians who put in the hard work to look good; because that way, they help make the gospel relevant to a given type of people.
When I was still a teenager, I remember bringing to God an issue that I thought would bother me in my journey of salvation.

"God," I started, "I really like being born again, and the amazing gift of eternal life. However, while still here on Earth, I really find the Christian way of dressing and physical outlook a little bit of a challenge."

 Most of the Christians I always saw and knew were not looking good at all, to be honest. For example, they wore very unflattering outfits, no makeup on, and had almost the same miserable hair style all the time. I'm sorry if this sounds mean, but it scared me a lot that I was also bound to spend the most amazing years of my youth living like a moth, without the liberty to think about my physical outlook in terms of what clothes I wore when, and what makeup or deodorant I applied in order to look my best.

Thank God for amazing Christian young women like Zabuli and others, who eventually emerged into the limelight and, with their cool Christian lifestyles, began to lighten up my mind in this regard. That's how I stopped being afraid of growing spiritually mature, especially while in my youth. 
Shout-outs to all Christians who take the initiative to look godly-amazing each and every day!

2. To understand the heart of God in regards to being presentable, which is very important especially in this social media generation of ours.

Sometimes "hot-looking Christians" find challenges drawing the line between appealingness and sheer worldliness, and end up conforming to the standards of the world instead, which line should be just between being modest and looking good in the 21 century.

It is about being modest, appreciating God's values, His view on beauty, not presenting yourself as though you were an alien visiting 2020 from 2 centuries ago.

As the young people of today and maybe even those of a few generations before, we really desire to look good. It is therefore important to find the heart of God regarding the matter.

It has been quite challenging for me to understand the heart of God as far as looking good  is concerned, simply because I was searching the "leaves" and not the "roots".
I was searching for why or why not Christians ought to put in extra effort to look good, instead of what is the real purpose of our physical body. When I understood, through God's word, the purpose of the human body, then whether or not we ought to look good became as clear to me as your best dish on a table.

Some of the major purposes of our body:

* To host your spirit/soul as you rule over the earth (Genesis 1: 26).
Let me rephrase that: To host your spirit as you fulfill your purpose on Earth.

* To be a home to the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 6:19 says, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own..."

With those few purposes of the physical body, therefore, it is safe  to state the following as the heart of God concerning "looking good":

Does that good look show that the King of kings lives inside of you?
No president's car or house looks like an ordinary man's house or car; you'll look at it and almost undoubtedly know that a very important person lives in there. So then, if the Spirit of He who raised Christ from the dead lives inside of us, I guess we ought to look like He sure does live inside of us. The house of the Holy Spirit ought to look like the House of a King.

With no second guesses, does that look tell us that you are a child of the King of Kings?
I don't know which king would like to shame his kingship or kingdom by letting his son/daughter go out looking anyhow.
I am yet to see a princess walking on the streets while dressed inappropriately, showing too much skin, or a prince who is about to trip and fall just because his pants are either child-sized or balanced way too low to the extent that he can barley move.

A certain televangelist once mentioned that God asked her to first change her outfit before going to the supermarket. God said to her, "Don't go out looking like that, go out like you are my daughter, like a child of the King of Kings."

Notice, the bar is higher, if the princesses/princes of this world look royal, covered in dignity, then we as Christians ought to look even better. Sorry for being born into the royal Priesthood, looking good is your duty.
Is whatever you are doing keeping you physically fit to enable you serve better and longer?
Needless to say, how you eat, work, exercise, among other things, surely affects your physical fitness and health.

Joshua 13:1
"When Joshua had grown old, the LORD said to him, "You are now very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over." 

We need to take good care of our bodies so that they remain fit and able enough for us to complete our God-assigned tasks.

Joshua 14:11
"I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I'm just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then." 

Now that this article is about beauty and looking good, it should not in any way insinuate that beauty is above godly character and devotion. Instead, it is to say that we can not totally ignore beauty and good physical appearance, let alone deeming it evil or ungodly.

Despite the fact that queen Esther and the Proverbs 31 woman were women of character who fervently prayed, fasted and respected others, they did not pay a blind eye to their physical appearance. As a matter of fact, queen Esther went through beauty treatments for 12 months.

Esther 2:12 
Before a young woman's turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics. 

And the Proverbs 31 woman dressed in purple linen, which clothing was also noted to be for kings, and royals.

Proverbs 31:22
She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple.

What I mean by looking physically good:
I pray we surely understand that looking good as per this post doesn't at any point infer looking sexually attractive or seductive, skimpy, shirtless not even the I-am-in-my-bedroom-now kind of appeal. It is really more of a classy, modest and royal look that I'm talking about here.

I believe our makeup (for fellow ladies especially) ought to represent God's values and views on beauty. Your makeup should acknowledge that you appreciate the masterpiece that you are, that God made when He formed your face.

If God, in all his wisdom, saw that you look amazing with a big nose, you don't need makeup that makes your nose smaller, which might show insecurity instead. Makeup ought to enhance your beauty, not change you, Makeup ought to show us the best version of you and not a Kim-K look-alike. 

How about makeup that makes me look more like me, the Dianah that I have always seen in the mirror since childhood? How about makeup that covers black spots, sun burn and black circles brought by life's struggles, and exposes my nice big nose, big eyes, protruding forehead, the masterpiece that I am?

I would therefore love to appreciate the men and women who make it an effort to look kingly and queenly, and I pray that I continue learning to do the same for myself each day.

Yet another wonderful Wednesday.
Thank you so much.
Don't forget to share with a friend or two.


  1. Wow I totally agree with you. So let me go get my royal look everybody ought to know who lives in me hohoho. Thank you D


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