
Showing posts from July, 2020

The other side of submission

Image from Ephesians 5:24-25: "Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.  Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." It's interesting when we, women, sometimes complain about having to submit, we have movements that oppose submission to the husband yet, in summary, the above Bible verse sounds like this to me:  Wife:  submit to him;  Husband:  die for her. Those  tasked to die  do not always complain as much as those tasked to submit! Die to your desires that He who died might live in you  (1 Peter 2:24 paraphrase):   As Christians, we are tasked not to act upon our mundane desires or feelings, but to live and act like Jesus indeed lives within us. For example, when you are very angry at someone and you feel like giving them a piece of your mind, you are not to act upon that feeling. Rather, ...

Biblical submission. You will be shocked!

Image from Submission Is the action of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person. (According to Why submit? a) I believe submission is important, because any entity with more than one leader at the same level of authority rarely ends up successful; so, there needs to be one leader who makes the final decision. Therefore, for the excellent growth of a family, God chose who is to be the head. When I think about it sometimes, I feel like God would have chosen the wife to lead, but maybe the men would have complained too. Either way, He had to choose one of the two, and He chose the husband. Fair enough He left every woman with the liberty to choose for herself the man to submit to. b) Because " This foolish plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans..."  (1 Corinthians 1:25) If He suggests that you submit or lead, then it's the wisest idea even when not the easiest thing to ...

Gomeza needs your help!

Image Gomeza is a happy girl but she is often confused. Her four older siblings can't stop teasing her, they say she is very light-skinned. The confusing part is that Gomeza's classmates often tell her she is very dark-skinned, and they sure do make fun of her dark skin. Please help Gomeza know if she is dark or light-skinned. Gomeza dislikes vegetables, her mother says that's why she is thin. They say she is the thinnest in the family, with the smallest bed, the smallest shoes, the tiniest clothes, and she’s the one to be carried on the lap while in the family car. Her siblings keep telling her that by her age, they had all already put on some good weight.  Another confusing part is that Gomeza has five best friends at school and they say she is fat. “Gomeza, you’re the fattest among us, you take up more space on the desk!” they complain. Gomeza gets confused again, “Am I thin or fat, someone please help me know what I am!” Gomeza is not a TV-...

What if they lied to you?

Thanks to At 13 years old, the born again lifestyle never ceased to amuse me: seeing fellow teenagers preaching the Gospel, leading prayers, leading worship services, and generally being involved in church activities with such a passion and energy. It was a little strange to me, because I had never thought about serving God the way I saw those fellow young people do. Back then,  in my traditional church, young people were rarely given such opportunities. One was required to study first, and then become a Reverend in order to lead prayers, let alone preach in church. I had never bothered to give it thought, because it seemed far off. And back then, I wanted to grow up to be a doctor, but I didn't see or know very many Reverends who were also doctors at the same time; so, me thinking about serving God, it meant that I couldn't do anything else apart from being a Reverend. I remember most of the first Sunday services and weekly fellowships I attended...

Christian and looking HOT?

In the photo: Zabuli Physically looking good? Why is this even a topic worth talking about? Well, I have some answers here but before we can jump in, let us begin by referring "physically looking good" to "being presentable or appealing": 1. To encourage Christians who put in the hard work to look good; because that way, they help make the gospel relevant to a given type of people. When I was still a teenager, I remember bringing to God an issue that I thought would bother me in my journey of salvation. "God," I started, "I really like being born again, and the amazing gift of eternal life. However, while still here on Earth, I really find the Christian way of dressing and physical outlook a little bit of a challenge."  Most of the Christians I always saw and knew were not looking good at all, to be honest. For example, they wore very unflattering outfits, no makeup on, and had almost the same miserable hair style ...