Invitation for guests on the blog.

Come let's blog together!
Most of us have revelations, ideas or wonderful experiences that we'd love to share with others. These, when shared, could change someone's life, although we may not usually know how, or even when to share our stories. Or maybe we might know, but we just aren't ready to dig into the nitty-gritties, the management, and sometimes the unavoidable stress that come with running a blog, a YouTube channel or any similar media platform.

Worry no more, I got you!
Please go ahead and share your article to, with the email subject as: Guest Blogger. Also, please include the following in the email body:
- Article Heading
- Word Count
-  Genre
- Author Name (not forgetting your social media handles too).

And I'll be more than excited to serve with you :)

Why should I "share myself" with the world?
Well, why not? Personally, I share my experiences to help another person.

  "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

If we don't learn from other people's (past) experiences, we are doomed to go through the very same cycle. If the history is not made known to us, then we almost have no choice but to repeat it. 

Sharing your experiences, whether you failed so bad and later realized your mistakes after or you struggled and then passed, you will help widen someone else's mind on how to approach that very situation when faced with a similar one.

1 Corinthians 10:13 
"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. 
And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.
 But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."

Whatever you have been through were ever, more than hundred other people have gone through a similar situation or challenge, it is of tremendous help that you allow yourself share with us your failures and success. Through your failures another might start right there to victory.

Most of the success we see today especially in the world of innovation, the medical equipment; the airplanes, the smart phones, successful entrepreneuers and the luxury we enjoy today were not built by one person. They were built upon research, upon reading the biographies and works of other people so that the innovators knew what did not work, what possiblities were not tried out leading to the innovation of today.

Just imagine all the innovators of the old generations never shared their experiences, results and struggles, most probably we would not have achieved the level on development we are at now, because even the innovators of our day would have to start from ground level, we would still be figuring out how man was able to make the first fire, if they didn't share with.

Anyway the point I am trying to emphasize is we need to get out of ourselves and share our lives, to help others and build society.
God has ways of turning ashes into beauty, changing your mess into a message.
My Christian Walk Uganda is inviting you and your friends to share your experiences, revelations, struggles and injustices on this very platform.

Please share your article to with a subject heading; Guest blogger also including your social media platforms.
We are excited to serve with you.
Thank you.


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