Could your dream have more to it?

"Uh, it was just a dream!" A lot of times, most of us have often said this statement in relief upon waking up after having a horrible dream, or even a really good one.

There is this amazing story of someone who might have said the same after having a dream, am almost more than sure you have heard of his story before, the story of the wise King Solomon.

God asked King Solomon in the book of first Kings chapter 3, to ask for anything he wanted and he asked for wisdom, which pleased God that king Solomon had asked for wisdom instead of riches or fame, so God decided to make him the wisest man ever and added him wealth and fame too.

The interesting thing is that this entire conversation and blessing took place in a dream:
1 Kings 3:5 
That night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, "What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!"

1 Kings 3:15 
Then Solomon woke up and realized it had been a dream...

Yes, the famous wise King Solomon received his wisdom through a dream. Maybe it was a vision or a trance, as one might assume, but I don't think so, because the Bible has always been very clear to specify when/if someone had a dream or vision.
I like to say, this transaction took place in a dream.

Let's look at this: if you are 30 years old today, you have spent 12 years of your life asleep, given that you sleep for at least 8 hours a night.
We spend a good amount of hours asleep and God takes them as seriously as the ones we spend awake, and that is why He loves to make covenants with us even when we are asleep.

We might be familiar with the fact that we get dreams from God, others from the devil and some simply from our minds. However, even with what we may consider to be "mind-dreams" or "bad-food dreams", we should not just dismiss them.

Dreams are so important that we need to pray so much about them. Think about it: it was through a dream that king Solomon received the wisdom which caused kings and queens to come from near and far places, just to listen to him.

If this is true, then I wonder how many good or bad transactions most of us have made in our sleep state. How many things have manifested in our physical lives that we first dreamt about?

Thank God we have the power to pray and fast for the manifestation of the good dreams, and stopping the bad ones from coming to pass.
Every morning we ought to pray about the dreams we had the previous night, and even at night, we ought to pray for the dreams we are to have.

Thank you again for spending yet another Wednesday with me.
God bless you!


  1. I do not underestimate my dreams anymore. Its amazing how much God communicates to us in dreams if we pay attention.

  2. Thank you...keep it up.I do like your blogs.

  3. Just what I needed .I had a horrible dream last night. I prayed over it and rebuked it in Jesus's name


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