Why I started blogging

I was 13 years old when I got saved, at which age my parents wouldn't have ever approved of the idea at all. This meant that I could only and only be saved on condition that: I never had to show it off, especially not in my father's house; I would NOT leave the Anglican church for any Pentecostal church, no matter how well-reputed it was; no attending mid-week church meetings; no spiritual mentorship of any sort, among other things.

So there I was: new to the faith, very naive about this entire born-again Christian life, carrying around a question-flooded mind, but with very few answers. Notwithstanding, sometimes I managed to ask the Holy Spirit, and He often answered. But I'd reached a point where I felt like I needed a fellow believer who was stronger than myself in the faith to hold my hand and "show me around" for some time, since even discerning the voice of the Holy Spirit by then was not always a straight forward attempt for me.

Luckily enough, my parents never paid specific attention to what TV shows we watched, so I got myself into learning from various televangelists, mainly: Joyce Meyer, Dr. Creflo Dollar and the Hillsong Worship. 
When I got my first phone, I was delighted to find all these great men and women of God on social media too, with numerous of their other sermons and inspirational messages that I'd never watched or listened to, which really helped me to continue growing in the faith.
Upon getting a "smarter" phone, my favourite televangelists' list grew to Bishop TD Jakes, Miss Priscilla Shirer, Pastor Michael Todd, Pastor Steven Furtick, Paul and Morgan, Girl Defined Ministries, among others.
I mean not to sound merely biased but indeed these people are amazing (actually, you can as well feel free to check them out on any social platform); normal Christian men and women sharing about living everyday life. Programs especially like Girl Defined that is specific for ladies, Paul and Morgan where issues concerning dating and relationships have always blessed me immeasurably.

After nine years of me growing spiritually via online media, I'm happy that I now belong to a spirit-filled, Bible-believing church, though I still cannot ignore nor can I underestimate the great work that the Holy Spirit has done and continues to do in my life through these amazing men and women.

I remember in my early years as a born again Christian, stressed and confused, I reached out to Joyce Meyer Ministries via Facebook, with questions. Well, being Joyce Meyer, I thought it would take them more than a week to respond, but to my surprise, I found my well-thought of answer right in my inbox the next time I got online, just about 24 hours after.

I'm deeply moved by how God's men and women have chosen to come into the trending online spaces, shouting the name of Jesus Christ and the message of true godly living. So, young Christians like myself have the chance to see Jesus and Jesus-posts in places crowded with perversion and immorality.
Even in my leisure time on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, I get to learn and grow in the ways of God.

Unlike the years before, God's view on areas like sex, marriage, gender equality and identity were rarely on the pulpit, but they're now in brighter light via social media platforms as these great men and women continue using their various platforms to teach godliness to those of us who still care.

With this said, I also realized a very small number of Christians from my region (Uganda - East Africa) sharing about living everyday life as a Christian in this generation. While a number of Ugandan pastors are embracing the avid use of various online platforms to teach the Word of God, there is still a gap for "normal" Christians like you and I to fill, sharing about the struggles and victories of daily/normal Christian living.
Sometimes I don't necessarily want to listen to a sermon, sometimes I want to listen to peers sharing their 'overcomer' stories and struggles too.

The devil is feeding numerous lies to so many young people because you and I are not increasingly representing Christ on our social media platforms where we could potentially reach hundreds of people.

One preacher once said, "The disciples had to walk miles and miles, use boats day and night to preach the gospel, while we can reach 5000 people in the comfort of our bedroom and not worry about feeding them but we are still low on representation."
I sometimes think to myself that apostle Paul looks down at us and wishes he had the media platforms then that we have today.

Instead of us worrying about feeding 5000 people, we just need to pray that 5000 people have a daily mobile data bundle or at least a reliable internet access, because as of 2019, 1.62 billion people log onto Facebook alone everyday (Zephoria.com). Now I can see Apostle Paul in heaven getting excited!

Christian girls and boys like you and I need to get into blogging, Facebooking, Twitting, YouTube-ing, in order to socially influence about the simple things that we've passed through in this our youthful life, and how we've managed to overcame them, what things we have learnt, and so on. It can start from things as simple as: 
- How I improved from being a second grade student to a first grade student.
- Dealing with prolonged unemployment.
- Finances at campus.
- Cohabiting at campus.
- Me and my parents as a teenager.
- Bullying
- Peer pressure,
- Christian Life,
- Modesty, 
- Addictions,
among others.
You just can't tell how many lives that post may change. Even if it's only one life, your post might change a young man's/woman's life for better and forever.

I therefore decided to start blogging so that I can add my voice and simple life lessons as a normal Christian girl trying to live the life God has called us to in the 21st century. I can't wait to see many and more of us interrupting YouTube, Blogger, Podcasts, Instagram and Twitter with some Jesus-noise.

Let us refuse to die with this anointing. I would really love to read, learn, support and follow other Ugandan Christians and influencers, please comment with a link to your blog, page or channel.
I can't wait to join you.
Thank you so much once again!

Please check out these amazing links.

Girl defined, Awesome sisters sharing their lives with us.


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