Overworked yet Underpaid, Solution.

Photo credit; Campus Move 101 Yes I agree with you, I might not be the perfect person to offer the solution, for the sorrow of being overworked but underpaid However you can still hear me out, please do. Since the percentage of graduates who are able to get jobs every year is very low, about 20%, many employees are in this sad situation of being overworked and underpaid since they are even lucky to have a job. However even with some of the best paying jobs, we are still underpaid especially in Uganda. Most people work for at least 8 hours a weekday, and spend about 2 hours commuting, making it 10 hours, then sleep for also 10 hours per night making it 20 hours each day then we are left with only 4 hours of our lives and a weekend to live; to have quality family time, spiritual growth, give back to community, read, go back to school, relax, exercise, keep up with work assignments and follow up the side hustle. If you spend more than 8hours at work, tha...