
Why people keep disappointing you.

Image from I've come to observe that I don't normally set high expectations for people as much as most of my friends do. For example, if someone borrows my jacket, I don't necessarily expect them to bring it back clean, smelling good, or something like that; I simply want them to bring it back, that's all. I might not expect someone to deliver a piece of work in two weeks, even when I know that it can be done in two days or even less. I simply expect that person to deliver the work when they said they would. I don't mind if they said in two months, or six, as long as they deliver when they said they would. Sometime back I almost ran mad because I couldn't understand why people couldn't live up to these seemingly low expectations. "I didn't ask for much, all I asked was that you do A or B." I would cry out each time. I always thought to myself, This person must really have low self-discipline, or they are just very unserious, imm...

Did God really Say? | Temptations

Image borrowed from During this time of the year, we get to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. He died for our sins to reconcile us back to God. We can not begin to imagine the magnitude of Jesus' sacrifice from the night of his arrest to the moment of his death. This sacrifice brings us to true repentance, which is asking for forgiveness and turning away from that sin. However, we see that from the garden of Eden, sin is not always that straightforward. We hate to undermine Jesus' sacrifice at the cross by continuing to sin, yet we find ourselves in sin over and over again. We often look back and wonder, How did I even get here? Today I am excited to share one of the best ways to deal with sin, among other different ways like prayer, accountability, and the word of God. This way is: Change the temptation into words that you fully understand. As I sought employment in an unfamiliar field some time back, a friend shared a few tips on how to make ...

What is Wrong with me | What is wrong with us?

Shutterstock image As I celebrate my birthday this coming week, I am wondering, what is wrong with me? For the past 10 to 15 years I have looked at myself in the mirror, sometimes for what felt like 5 minutes, and sometimes 2. But then I realized there is something wrong with me, the time I took looking in the mirror became less and less until when it could take me just about one second or so. That's when I realized what was wrong with me. I realized that be it five minutes or a second that I spent in the mirror, I always went there for one thing: my imperfections. Now, 90% of my face is clear, and by clear I mean pimple-free. But I realized every time I went before the mirror, I only focused my attention on the one or two pimples and black spots on my face. In spite of the fact that I visited the mirror every single day, I couldn't remember the last time I had looked at my entire face. Shutterstock image I realized that indeed something is wrong with us! I t's like we are ...

Stop murdering your own dreams. | Callings

Image From If we were to practically bury all the dreams that get strangled every day due to "lack of experience", we would surely run out of land much sooner than later. You have a perfect idea, an idea so amazing that you are sure without a doubt it will work out, but the only challenge is that you do not have the working experience, so you throw it away. Please allow me to show you how and when you got qualified for that idea. While David was busy taking care of sheep, his brothers were training seriously. I mean, they were the nation's soldiers, they had all the working experience, and they had won many battles with the king before this particular battle with Goliath.  If David had looked at the usual, or expected work experience  as a major requirement to fight, let alone a giant man, he would have lost the confidence to do what he knew God wanted him to do.  Imagine if he had said, "God, why don't you ask my brothers, they are way more skilled...

Stop doing this, it's not your business anyway!

Image from iStock Is it your business, anyway? | Callings. I listen to a good number of men and women of God and I get to see a wide range of ministries, from amazing ones to those that seem too much, the weird ones to those that just seem completely wrong to me. However, God has taught me that I don't have the right to judge another man's servant/service. "Who are you to judge someone else's servant? ...  " Romans 14:4  Yes, these women and men of God are called for us, but that doesn't put us in the position of a judge over them. Only the giver of the assignment does have the right to judge them. We are not present during any man's call to service, so we can't know the total job description of their assignment. Oftentimes, we sit in groups and pass judgment upon men of God about certain things that rightfully seem wrong in our eyes without understanding that we are not the caller of men. Please  Vote Mark Katamba When someone asks us abou...

How to move God.

Image from What do these people have in common? 1. Mary, in the story of turning water into wine [John 2:3-5]. Jesus says, "It's not yet my time." and Marry goes ahead to tell the disciples to do as He commands them. And then Jesus turns water into wine. 2. The Greek woman whose daughter was demon-possessed [Mark 7:26-29]. Jesus tells her, "... it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs." to which she replies, "... even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs." And Jesus says, "Because of that reply, your daughter is well." 3. Or King Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:5) when the prophet told him that God had said he was going to die; he turned to the wall and asked God for more years and it was done for him. All the pronounced bible characters, Jacob, the woman with a bleeding issue, and many others seem to have moved God even when He didn't seem to have set out to move that way. God responded be...

Are you confused too? | Knowers and Believers

Image from I love rules (strange, right?). I always love to know the rules and regulations not necessarily so that I may follow them, but to simply know how far inside or outside the line I might find myself at a particular point in time. There is a difference between knowing and believing, and I  am quite convinced that most of us do not fully distinguish between these two. We seem to think that we believe something, even though we simply have knowledge of that thing. For example, As a Christian, you know that God is your Father, you know that cattle on a thousand hills belong to Him, but when you are broke or troubled in any way, do you respond to that situation like a child of a president (God is the president of the world) would? Children of prominent people would rarely behave the way most of us do when we are broke; in most cases they'd be thinking of when they can get to talk to their father. Our actions usually reveal whether we simply know (about) something o...