Why can't I hear God Speaking, Yet it Seems Every Other Christian Does?

photo adopted from unsplash.com Somehow, I have personally found it easier when it comes to hearing God's voice. Today, it's very common to hear people saying, "God told me this or that, ..." It can get a little bothering when it seems like you are the only person in your circle who doesn't ever really get to hear God's voice. Before we go any farther with the question, let us look at the ways through which God speaks: His word Dreams Visions Inner still small voice Convictions (knowings) Audible external voice Prophets or preachers or teachers or elders. In regard to hearing God's voice, I think it is important to note that: 1. our God is not limited to any of the above ways of communication, as evidenced by Balaam in the book of Numbers 22:28, when God chose to use a donkey to speak to him. 2. the Bible is the most reliable way of hearing God's voice, and that any other voice ought to agree, support or r...