Just a Bowl of Soup.

photo adopted from: unsplash.com Just a Bowl of Soup . Imagine you're a guy and you have a nice bowl of soup. And, for some rather strange reason, soup-making is something you find very easy to do most of the time, although you feel ashamed that it's not the coolest thing a guy should want to do, so somehow it makes you quite uncomfortable. So you find yourself doing it not because it is so much of a big deal, but maybe just because you need to, since it's what the rest of the people at home keep looking up to for the meals almost every other day, or just because you know you can make good soup. So you begin thinking to yourself, " Other guys are doing cool things, big things, they start amazing projects, have amazing voices, are employed in posh government offices, and some are even super models. And yet for me, all I have is just a bowl of soup! " You know you have a good heart (okay it may not be the best but at least it's not t...