Why people keep disappointing you.

Image from wallsheaven.com I've come to observe that I don't normally set high expectations for people as much as most of my friends do. For example, if someone borrows my jacket, I don't necessarily expect them to bring it back clean, smelling good, or something like that; I simply want them to bring it back, that's all. I might not expect someone to deliver a piece of work in two weeks, even when I know that it can be done in two days or even less. I simply expect that person to deliver the work when they said they would. I don't mind if they said in two months, or six, as long as they deliver when they said they would. Sometime back I almost ran mad because I couldn't understand why people couldn't live up to these seemingly low expectations. "I didn't ask for much, all I asked was that you do A or B." I would cry out each time. I always thought to myself, This person must really have low self-discipline, or they are just very unserious, imm...