How to move God.

Image from What do these people have in common? 1. Mary, in the story of turning water into wine [John 2:3-5]. Jesus says, "It's not yet my time." and Marry goes ahead to tell the disciples to do as He commands them. And then Jesus turns water into wine. 2. The Greek woman whose daughter was demon-possessed [Mark 7:26-29]. Jesus tells her, "... it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs." to which she replies, "... even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs." And Jesus says, "Because of that reply, your daughter is well." 3. Or King Hezekiah (2 Kings 20:5) when the prophet told him that God had said he was going to die; he turned to the wall and asked God for more years and it was done for him. All the pronounced bible characters, Jacob, the woman with a bleeding issue, and many others seem to have moved God even when He didn't seem to have set out to move that way. God responded be...