Wisdom might not be the perfect prayer request.

Many thanks to Saint Mary's Press What if God asked you, "What do you want me to do for you?" Without even thinking hard, I guess a bunch of us would most probably say, "Please give me wisdom!" Over the years, I've found myself silently hearing God asking me this question, just like many fellow Christians I talk to, and we all said that, "Give me wisdom." was our response every time. This is simply because we have been taught that wisdom is the most perfect prayer request one can make, just like king Solomon did when he asked God for wisdom instead of riches, fame and long life (1 Kings 3:9). We continue to learn that God was so pleased with king Solomon's request that he gave him the wisdom and also added to him fame and riches (1 King 3:13). However, I now have a few points that I believe need to be considered before we crown "wisdom" as the most perfect prayer request: Wisdom doesn't always guarantee a good ending. Even with a...