The Prosperity Gospel

photo: NJlifehacks The "prosperity gospel" is one which acknowledges Jesus Christ as the means to get what we want, and it greatly asserts that Christ is the vehicle to riches, wealth, and whatever else we (materialistically) desire. Whereas the "true gospel" of Christ is that which acknowledges Jesus Christ as the end itself. In brief: When you receive Jesus Christ, then you've reached your destination. So whatever wealth, prosperity or anything else that comes along with His great promises is a means for you to make his name known to the ends of the earth. It'd be very sad if any of us died before achieving our main goal in life, whatever that might be. To most of us it might be wealth. It is indeed sad, but if you died before acquiring wealth, you would still be okay. But if you died before receiving Jesus Christ in your heart, you would be eternally doomed to hell's flames. I am not saying that we shall...